Welcome to Healing Temple
Dr. Arhat Homoeo Clinic
A renowned Homoeopathic Clinic and pioneer in its unique Multipronged Healing Approach.

Since its establishment in the year 2008-2009, Healing Temple has provided the best Homoeopathic treatment which produces rapid and instant relief to the patients and also aims to cure the ailments permanently. Our homoeopathic treatments are well known for controlling and fully curing diabetes, hypertension, PCOD, uterine fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia, IBS, ulcerative colitis, hyper acidity, piles, asthma, allergies, eczema, psoriasis etc. Our prime focus are course correction for Life style disease and ensuring their lasting cure, with the help of Homoeopathic remedies, Therapeutic Diet and Nutrition, Yoga and Meditation and other therapies.

About Us

What we do?

Our 4 pronged healing system


We provide treatment for all the acute and chronic ailments like Life Style Disorders,Gynecological complaints,Hormonal imbalance like PCOD, Diabetes, Thyroid, Stress generated disorders, Skin and Hair, Allergy and respiratory diseases, Urinary and Gastric Disease.


Customized Yoga Practices Yogic Breathing Exercises Pranayam Aasans, Bandh and kriyas to accelerate healing process.

Healing Diet &

Easy quick & Healthy Diet
Weight Loss/ Weight Gain
Therapeutic Diets for Aliments, Colitis, Diabetes, Thyroid Hormonal Imbalance etc.
Diet for improvement of immunity
Beauty, Child, Growth, Athletes & Players


Meditation Techniques for
Healing life style disorder
Stress Generated disorders
Parenting Issues
Emotional Health
Meditation Sessions for Individual, Group & Family

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    Our basic approach is to combine Homepathic remedies with Life Style Modification though Healing Diet and food, Healing Yoga, Healing Meditation and Therapies.

    We assist patient to regain status of full health, happiness and harmony in life, at the earliest possible. We also ensure that after getting fully cured he/she should stay healthy without the dependence on any kind of medicines. To achieve this objective we provide Homoeopathy medicines, if necessary.

    Thus Homoeopathy, diet, yoga and meditation are applied simultaneously to accelerate healing process which is known as multipronged approach.

    Not at all. On the contrary healing through Homoeopathy is Rapid, Noninvasive and Permanent. It is because of the fact that action of the homoeopathic medicines starts immediately on dissolving in the saliva at the mouth itself.

    The myth that homoeopathy acts slow was popularized many years ago when recognized Homoeopathic colleges were very few and Homoeopathy was practiced as hobby by untrained or part time healers who were as good (or bad) as a quack. Now, there are fully recognized Homeopathic medical colleges and qualified doctors practice homoeopathy using modern medical equipment, procedures, pathological reports and other scientific data ensuring that there treatment course achieves better results in shorter time than allopathy etc..

    The basic approach of Homoeopathy is to improve the inherent life force of the patient. During and after completion of treatment process there are negligible side effects or no side effects at all.

    Modern Homoeopathy is open to the idea of simultaneous treatment of all the existing disorders of a patient. It also welcomes scientific techniques of diagnosis available through pathological reports and other diagnostic tools which objectively evaluate health status in addition to traditional methods of symptoms taking and prescribing drugs.

    Dr Arhat healing system works on the Principle “From Medication to Meditation”. The idea is to motivate the patient to adopt healthy life style and take help of non-medicinal therapies particularly good Diet, Yoga and Meditation to eventually get freedom from medicines.

    We provide Therapeutic Diets, which we call Healing Diet and foods. These diet charts induce favorable physiological and metabolic changes in the patient, so that his requirement of medicine is progressively reduced.

    Similarly healing Yoga is planned in such a way that it helps in stimulating and invigorating diseased organs.

    Healing meditation is introduced to the life style of the patient to reduce and manage Stress which is one of the main culprit behind chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, PCOS and cancer.

    Apart from Homeopathy we are using Therapeutic diet plans, healing foods, yoga, Acupressure, Reiki, Sujok, Reflexology, Mudra Therapy, Color and seed therapies, Meditation (active and passive) Meditational counselling, and cathartic exercises. We are continuously developing and introducing healing techniques that would reduce dependence on medicine, would free of side effects and would stand the test of verifiable pathological tests parameters.

    It is very simple and methodical.

    The patient should meet at welcome desk and record name and phone number and pay one-time registration fee. The clinic has a special ambience to promote healing at the waiting hall. A specially designed healing music is played to induce healing.

    Dr. Arhat greets the patient as friend and patron. She takes medical history the details of health issues past and present. She also discuss past medical reports. All important points and health reports are recorded with us, so that you need not carry them again. If necessary, the patient is advised to undergo clinical tests at any pathological lab of his choice.

    Dr Arhat shares her diagnosis in simple non-technical language so that patient understands the extent and gravity of any of the health condition. Dr. Arhat shares her opinion on possible sources of the disorders and the necessary changes required in Life style, Diet, Yoga and Meditation etc.

    We are known for rapid and permanent healing. Dr Arhat gives an estimate of average healing period required for each patient. Once the treatment is successful, that is patient feels better and clinical test reports corroborate his healing, patient is told to discontinue medicine one week in advance.

    The period of treatment depends on many factors, including patient compliance, his commitment and attitude. We share our experience of past several years where patients have been freed from medicinal support and have shared their testimonials in Clinic and here on website.

    Homeopathy believes in the concept of wholesome treatment; the idea of specialty is not encouraged. We are known for very high success rate in treating Life Style disorders like Diabetes, Insulin resistance, Hypothyroid, Hormonal imbalances, fibroid, PCOD, digestive disorders like ulcerative colitis, IBS, Obesity, piles, Gluten allergy, Respiratory disorders like Asthma, Bronchitis amongst others.

    We are well known for REVERSAL of of Diabetes, hypo-thyroid, PCOS, Fatty Liver, kidney disorders etc

    Healing process largely depends upon diet and food. Therefore, we advise to include this as part of treatment.

    The patient’s diet and food habits are evaluated by Dr Arhat and a team of dieticians. Keeping in view various factors like age, gender, occupation etc. coupled with current health status and patient’s genetic disposition, we design a HEALING DIET PLAN. This plan would help the patient achieve his immediate health objective (curing existing health issues) and also his long-term health objectives (which is keeping the body health without use of medicines).

    • Each plan is prepared on weekly basis in synchronization with the medicine prescribed that week. This ensure that patient does not consume any contra-indicated food items which may interfere with drugs given for treatment. EACH plan is CUSTOMISED for the patient.
    • Depending upon the patient’s feedback and progress, Healing DIET plan is revised on a weekly basis.
    • Once the patient achieves his health target, we prescribe a HEALTH Maintenance plan which keeps one healthy even after stopping treatment process.
    • Each Diet plan is released post mandatory approval by Dr. Arhat

    Both for Yoga and Meditation a customized protocol is prepared and approved by a team led by Dr. Arhat.

    Yoga : -

    • Each plan is customized according to patient’s current health status.
    • The weekly plan includes a detailed yogic posture correction while standing sitting and lying,

    Sankalp, right warm up, breathing exercise, Pranayam Asana, meditation, reflexology, sujok, acupressure, Mudra color and seed therapy.

    • Each session is synchronized with medicine and diet prescribed that week.

    Meditation :-

    The Meditations sessions at Clinic introduce different meditation techniques to accelerate patient healing and reduces stress.

    • Meditation session are held over weekends. These are group sessions with 5 to 20 participants who are prescribed to attend the session.
    • Personnel sessions are conducted on appointment, to induce life transformation to heal life style disorders.
    • We also conduct Full day workshops and 3 days meditation camps from time to time.